madrigali notturni

A site-specific performance for four voices, choreography and light design, with music by Adrian Willaert (1490-1562), Cipriano de Rore (1516-1565) and Katharina Rosenberger.
In collaboration with Christa Wenger (light), Ric Schachtebeck (choreography).
Premiered June 7, 2013, KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen, Hanover, Germany.

                          And men go about to wonder at the heights of the mountains,
                                                                       and the mighty waves of the sea,
                                                                             and the wide sweep of rivers,
                                                                                and the circuit of the ocean,
                                                                            and the revolution of the stars,
                                                                       but themselves they consider not.

                                                              (Francesco Petrarca in Familiaris VI, I)

Christa Wenger's light design in the Grossmünster Zurich
The three singers of madrigali notturni in the Stadthaus Zurich
Leslie Leon in madrigali notturni and the golden rain